The company "BUDMET"- Zbigniew Jędrzejowski was established/ 06.01.1998/after transformation from the firm "BAUMAT" founded on 04.06.1991.Today company "BUDMET" belongs to Zbigniew Jędrzejowski. The abode of "BUDMET" is Siemiechow. The permanent address: 33-181 Siemiechow, Register of companies: 334/98 from 02.01.1998. The firm has profited from a few years of experience and innovative ideas in the international market. At present the company "BUDMET" employs 20 skilled workers, owns several places and his transport. "BUDMET" is producing a lot of building elements, steel elements and boxes for horses. Our spetiality are severel steel praducts. We cooperate with many partners first of all cement plant Dickerhoff. Our products are qualitativ tested and well-know abroad.
NIP: Pl 873-260-61-37
Regon: 850517430.